Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF1)-In Person

Value Methodology Fundamentals 1(VMF1) is a prerequisite for 2 international certificates: Value Methodology Associate (VMA) & Certified Value Specialist (CVS) from SAVE International (Society of American Value Engineers)
SAVE International®, is the premier and sole international society devoted to advancing and promoting the Value Methodology (VM). It offers various education and networking opportunities.
- Firstly, the course will equip trainees with the required competency level necessary to participate professionally in Value Engineering Workshops.
- Secondly, it will guide the trainees how to pass successfully their Value Methodology Associate (VMA) Exam.
- Thirdly, the course will increase your knowledge and skills related to value Methodology.
- The applications will be on product, projects, or process.
- As well, you will be able to distinguish between cost reduction and value engineering .
- Moreover , the course is fast paced and is delivered in a four day session.
Being able to:
- Apply the VE tools and techniques for any project, product or service to save up to 30% without sacrificing quality.
- Identify and classify any project or product‘s functions.
- Study the logic relationship between the projects’ functions.
- From the FAST Diagram “Function Analysis System Technique “, the delegates will become able to select where the unnecessary costs exist.
- Evaluate between alternatives based on its life cycle costs not only the initial costs.
- Consider the non-monetary criteria in the evaluation.
- Avoid affecting the quality negatively in cost reduction.
- In addition, you’ll learn how to make and use Value Engineering models.
- How to convert BOQ to cost model to calculate the saving.
- Changing the mind set by knowing new tools and techniques to manage costs through innovative changes.
- As well ,Knowing the difference between value engineering, value analysis and value management.
- Distinguish between the 3 types of Value: Use Value, Esteem Value, and Exchange Value.
- Enhance the interpersonal skills of working as a team member or team leader “The VM is based on a multi-disciplinary team approach”.
- The team will learn new techniques to generate a wide number of alternatives in a very short time. “VE consider that nothing has only one solution”.
- Evaluate ideas taking into consideration the important non-monetary.
- How to Develop Recommendations
- Identify Key Features to Sell Value Opportunities
- Illustrate Key Value Recommendations
- Become eligible for Value Methodology Associate (VMA) exam and international certification from SAVE International after a fast paced 32 hours course.
- It’s a practical workshop. You’ll learn something that is not academic, nor book knowledge, and gain actual practical experience from what you learned, for instance.
- Equip yourself with vital applications. Those applications represent high demand by various clients, especially after COVID-19 to become able to survive in the market.
- Discover VE secrets and professional techniques to reduce your projects’ costs without sacrificing quality.
- In conclusion, you’ll learn a problem solving approach, that had successfully demonstrated its effectiveness, since 1940s.
- In other word, Value Engineering means enhancing the project’s value , optimizing life-cycle cost and customizing quality.
- Individuals interested to become a certified Value Methodology Associate (VMA) or Certified Value Specialists (CVS®) are encouraged to attend.
- Attendees may include corporate leadership, engineers of all types, corporate leadership, designers, product managers, project managers, innovation managers, procurement engineers, cost engineers, marketing, finance, quality & manufacturing disciplines.
- Total duration : 32 hours ( Intensive course in 4 days only )
About Instructor
Dr.Jacqueline Fahmy has more than 15 years of experience in teaching this course .